New Century Version

Ezekiel 32:5-22 New Century Version (NCV)

5. I will scatter your flesh on the mountainsand fill the valleys with what is left of you.

6. I will drench the land with your flowing bloodas far as the mountains,and the ravines will be full of your flesh.

7. When I make you disappear,I will cover the sky and make the stars dark.I will cover the sun with a cloud,and the moon will not shine.

8. I will make all the shining lights in the skybecome dark over you;I will bring darkness over your land,says the Lord God.

9. I will cause many people to be afraidwhen I bring you as a captive into other nations,to lands you have not known.

10. I will cause many people to be shocked about you.Their kings will tremble with fear because of youwhen I swing my sword in front of them.They will shake every momenton the day you fall;each king will be afraid for his own life.

11. “ ‘So this is what the Lord God says:The sword of the king of Babylonwill attack you.

12. I will cause your people to fallby the swords of mighty soldiers,the most terrible in the world.They will destroy the pride of Egyptand all its people.

13. I will also destroy all Egypt’s cattlewhich live alongside much water.The foot of a human will not stir the water,and the hoofs of cattle will not muddy it anymore.

14. So I will let the Egyptians’ water become clear.I will cause their rivers to run as smoothly as olive oil,says the Lord God.

15. When I make the land of Egypt emptyand take everything that is in the land,when I destroy all those who live in Egypt,then they will know that I am the Lord.’

16. “This is the funeral song people will sing for Egypt. The women of the nations will sing it; they will sing a funeral song for Egypt and all its people, says the Lord God.”

17. It was in the twelfth year of our captivity, on the fifteenth day of the month. The Lord spoke his word to me, saying:

18. “Human, cry for the people of Egypt. Bring down Egypt, together with the women of the powerful nations; bring them down to the place of the dead below the earth to join those who go to the place of the dead.

19. Say to them: ‘Are you more beautiful than others? Go lie down in death with those who are unclean.’

20. The Egyptians will fall among those killed in war. The sword is ready; the enemy will drag Egypt and all her people away.

21. From the place of the dead the leaders of the mighty ones will speak about the king of Egypt and the nations which help him: ‘The unclean, those killed in war, have come down here and lie dead.’

22. “Assyria and all its army lie dead there. The graves of their soldiers are all around. All were killed in war,