New Century Version

Ezekiel 27:17-29 New Century Version (NCV)

17. “ ‘People of Judah and Israel became merchants for you. They traded your goods for wheat from Minnith, and for honey, olive oil, and balm.

18-19. “ ‘People of Damascus became traders for you because you have many good things and great wealth. They traded your goods for wine from Helbon, wool from Zahar, and barrels of wine from Izal. They received wrought iron, cassia, and sugar cane in payment for your good things.

20. “ ‘People of Dedan became merchants for you, trading saddle blankets for riding.

21. “ ‘People of Arabia and all the rulers of Kedar became traders for you. They received lambs, male sheep, and goats in payment for you.

22. “ ‘The merchants of Sheba and Raamah became merchants for you. They traded your goods for all the best spices, valuable gems, and gold.

23. “ ‘People of Haran, Canneh, Eden, and the traders of Sheba, Asshur, and Kilmad became merchants for you.

24. They were paid with the best clothes, blue cloth, cloth with designs sewed on, carpets of many colors, and tightly wound ropes.

25. “ ‘Trading shipscarried the things you sold.You were like a ship full of heavy cargoin the middle of the sea.

26. The men who rowed youbrought you out into the high seas,but the east wind broke you to piecesin the middle of the sea.

27. Your wealth, your trade, your goods,your seamen, your sailors, your workers,your traders, your warriors,and everyone else on boardsank into the seaon the day your ship was wrecked.

28. The people on the shore shake with fearwhen your sailors cry out.

29. All the men who rowleave their ships;the seamen and the sailors of other shipsstand on the shore.