New Century Version

Ezekiel 23:24-34 New Century Version (NCV)

24. Those men will attack with great armies and with their weapons, chariots, and wagons. They will surround you with large and small shields and with helmets. And I will give them the right to punish you, and they will give you their own kind of punishment.

25. Then you will see how strong my anger can be when they punish you in their anger. They will cut off your noses and ears. They will take away your sons and daughters, and those who are left will be burned.

26. They will take off your clothes and steal your jewelry.

27. I will put a stop to the sinful life you began when you were in Egypt so that you will not desire it or remember Egypt anymore.

28. “This is what the Lord God says: You became tired of your lovers, but I am going to hand you over to those men you now hate.

29. They will treat you with hate and take away everything you worked for, leaving you empty and naked. Everyone will know about the sinful things you did. Your sexual sins

30. have brought this on you. You have had sexual relations with the nations and made yourselves unclean by worshiping their idols.

31. You did the same things your sister did, so you will get the same punishment, like a bitter cup to drink.

32. “This is what the Lord God says:You will drink the same cup your sister did,and that cup is deep and wide.Everyone will make fun of you,because the cup is full.

33. It will make you miserable and drunk.It is the cup of fear and ruin.It is the cup of your sister Samaria.

34. You will drink everything in it,and then you will smash itand tear at your breasts.I have spoken, says the Lord God.