New Century Version

Ecclesiastes 7:1-8 New Century Version (NCV)

1. It is better to have respect than good perfume.The day of death is better than the day of birth.

2. It is better to go to a funeralthan to a party.We all must die,and everyone living should think about this.

3. Sorrow is better than laughter,and sadness has a good influence on you.

4. A wise person thinks about death,but a fool thinks only about having a good time.

5. It is better to be criticized by a wise personthan to be praised by a fool.

6. The laughter of foolsis like the crackling of thorns in a cooking fire.Both are useless.

7. Even wise people are foolsif they let money change their thinking.

8. It is better to finish somethingthan to start it.It is better to be patientthan to be proud.