New Century Version

Ecclesiastes 4:3-8 New Century Version (NCV)

3. But those who have never been bornare better off still;they have not seen the evilthat is done here on earth.

4. I realized the reason people work hard and try to succeed: They are jealous of each other. This, too, is useless, like chasing the wind.

5. Some say it is foolish to fold your hands and do nothing,because you will starve to death.

6. Maybe so, but I say it is better to be contentwith what little you have.Otherwise, you will always be struggling for more,and that is like chasing the wind.

7. Again I saw something here on earth that was useless:

8. I saw a man who had no family,no son or brother.He always worked hardbut was never satisfied with what he had.He never asked himself, “For whom am I working so hard?Why don’t I let myself enjoy life?”This also is very sad and useless.