New Century Version

Deuteronomy 32:24-37 New Century Version (NCV)

24. They will be starved and sick,destroyed by terrible diseases.I will send them vicious animalsand gliding, poisonous snakes.

25. In the streets the sword will kill;in their homes there will be terror.Young men and women will die,and so will babies and gray-haired men.

26. I will scatter them as I said,and no one will remember them.

27. But I didn’t want their enemy to brag;their enemy might misunderstandand say, ‘We have won!The Lord has done none of this.’ ”

28. Israel has no sense;they do not understand.

29. I wish they were wise and understood this;I wish they could see what will happen to them.

30. One person cannot chase a thousand people,and two people cannot fight ten thousandunless their Rock has sold them,unless the Lord has given them up.

31. The rock of these people is not like our Rock;our enemies agree to that.

32. Their vine comes from Sodom,and their fields are like Gomorrah.Their grapes are full of poison;their bunches of grapes are bitter.

33. Their wine is like snake poison,like the deadly poison of cobras.

34. “I have been saving this,and I have it locked in my storehouses.

35. I will punish those who do wrong; I will repay them.Soon their foot will slip,because their day of trouble is near,and their punishment will come quickly.”

36. The Lord will defend his peopleand have mercy on his servants.He will see that their strength is gone,that nobody is left, slaves or free.

37. Then he will say, “Where are their gods?Where is the rock they trusted?