New Century Version

Amos 2:1-10 New Century Version (NCV)

1. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Moab,I will punish them.They burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime.

2. So I will send fire on Moabthat will destroy the strong buildings of the city of Kerioth.The people of Moab will die in a great noise,in the middle of the sounds of war and trumpets.

3. So I will bring an end to the king of Moab,and I will kill all its leaders with him,” says the Lord.

4. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Judah,I will punish them.They rejected the teachings of the Lordand did not keep his commands;they followed the same godsas their ancestors had followed.

5. So I will send fire on Judah,and it will destroy the strong buildings of Jerusalem.”

6. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Israel,I will punish them.For silver, they sell people who have done nothing wrong;they sell the poor to buy a pair of sandals.

7. They walk on poor people as if they were dirt,and they refuse to be fair to those who are suffering.Fathers and sons have sexual relations with the same woman,and so they ruin my holy name.

8. As they worship at their altars,they lie down on clothes taken from the poor.They fine people,and with that money they buy wine to drink in the house of their god.

9. “But it was I who destroyed the Amorites before them,who were tall like cedar trees and as strong as oaks—I destroyed them completely.

10. It was I who brought you from the land of Egyptand led you for forty years through the desertso I could give you the land of the Amorites.