New Century Version

Amos 1:2-13 New Century Version (NCV)

2. Amos said,“The Lord will roar from Jerusalem;he will send his voice from Jerusalem.The pastures of the shepherds will become dry,and even the top of Mount Carmel will dry up.”

3. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Damascus,I will punish them.They drove over the people of Gileadwith threshing boards that had iron teeth.

4. So I will send fire upon the house of Hazaelthat will destroy the strong towers of Ben-Hadad.

5. I will break down the bar of the gate to Damascusand destroy the king who is in the Valley of Aven,as well as the leader of Beth Eden.The people of Aram will be taken captive to the country of Kir,” says the Lord.

6. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Gaza,I will punish them.They sold all the people of one areaas slaves to Edom.

7. So I will send a fire on the walls of Gazathat will destroy the city’s strong buildings.

8. I will destroy the king of the city of Ashdod,as well as the leader of Ashkelon.Then I will turn against the people of the city of Ekron,and the last of the Philistines will die,” says the Lord God.

9. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Tyre,I will punish them.They sold all the people of one areaas slaves to Edom,and they forgot the agreement among relatives they had made with Israel.

10. So I will send fire on the walls of Tyrethat will destroy the city’s strong buildings.”

11. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Edom,I will punish them.They hunted down their relatives, the Israelites, with the sword,showing them no mercy.They were angry all the timeand kept on being very angry.

12. So I will send fire on the city of Temanthat will even destroy the strong buildings of Bozrah.”

13. This is what the Lord says:“For the many crimes of Ammon,I will punish them.They ripped open the pregnant women in Gileadso they could take over that landand make their own country larger.