New Century Version

Acts 18:7-21 New Century Version (NCV)

7. Paul left the synagogue and moved into the home of Titius Justus, next to the synagogue. This man worshiped God.

8. Crispus was the leader of that synagogue, and he and all the people living in his house believed in the Lord. Many others in Corinth also listened to Paul and believed and were baptized.

9. During the night, the Lord told Paul in a vision: “Don’t be afraid. Continue talking to people and don’t be quiet.

10. I am with you, and no one will hurt you because many of my people are in this city.”

11. Paul stayed there for a year and a half, teaching God’s word to the people.

12. When Gallio was the governor of the country of Southern Greece, some people came together against Paul and took him to the court.

13. They said, “This man is teaching people to worship God in a way that is against our law.”

14. Paul was about to say something, but Gallio spoke, saying, “I would listen to you if you were complaining about a crime or some wrong.

15. But the things you are saying are only questions about words and names—arguments about your own law. So you must solve this problem yourselves. I don’t want to be a judge of these things.”

16. And Gallio made them leave the court.

17. Then they all grabbed Sosthenes, the leader of the synagogue, and beat him there before the court. But this did not bother Gallio.

18. Paul stayed with the believers for many more days. Then he left and sailed for Syria, with Priscilla and Aquila. At Cenchrea Paul cut off his hair, because he had made a promise to God.

19. Then they went to Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila. While Paul was there, he went into the synagogue and talked with the people.

20. When they asked him to stay with them longer, he refused.

21. But as he left, he said, “I will come back to you again if God wants me to.” And so he sailed away from Ephesus.