New Century Version

1 Thessalonians 2:14-20 New Century Version (NCV)

14. Brothers and sisters, your experiences have been like those of God’s churches in Christ that are in Judea. You suffered from the people of your own country, as they suffered from the Jews

15. who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and forced us to leave that country. They do not please God and are against all people.

16. They try to stop us from teaching those who are not Jews so they may be saved. By doing this, they are increasing their sins to the limit. The anger of God has come to them at last.

17. Brothers and sisters, though we were separated from you for a short time, our thoughts were still with you. We wanted very much to see you and tried hard to do so.

18. We wanted to come to you. I, Paul, tried to come more than once, but Satan stopped us.

19. You are our hope, our joy, and the crown we will take pride in when our Lord Jesus Christ comes.

20. Truly you are our glory and our joy.