New Century Version

1 Kings 6:25-33 New Century Version (NCV)

25. The creatures were the same size and shape;

26. each was fifteen feet tall.

27. These creatures were put beside each other in the Most Holy Place with their wings spread out. One creature’s wing touched one wall, and the other creature’s wing touched the other wall with their wings touching each other in the middle of the room.

28. These two creatures were covered with gold.

29. All the walls around the Temple were carved with pictures of creatures with wings, as well as palm trees and flowers. This was true for both the main room and the inner room.

30. The floors of both rooms were covered with gold.

31. Doors made from olive wood were placed at the entrance to the Most Holy Place. These doors had five-sided frames.

32. Creatures with wings, as well as palm trees and flowers, were also carved on the two olive wood doors that were covered with gold. The creatures and the palm trees on the doors were covered with gold as well.

33. At the entrance to the main room there was a square door frame made of olive wood.