New American Bible, Revised Edition

Proverbs 6:13-28 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

13. Shifty of eye,feet ever moving,pointing with fingers,

14. They have perversity in their hearts,always plotting evil,sowing discord.

15. Therefore their doom comes suddenly;in an instant they are crushed beyond cure.

16. There are six things the Lord hates,yes, seven are an abomination to him;

17. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,hands that shed innocent blood,

18. A heart that plots wicked schemes,feet that are quick to run to evil,

19. The false witness who utters lies,and the one who sows discord among kindred.

20. Observe, my son, your father’s command,and do not reject your mother’s teaching;

21. Keep them fastened over your heart always,tie them around your neck.

22. When you lie down they will watch over you,when you wake, they will share your concerns;wherever you turn, they will guide you.

23. For the command is a lamp, and the teaching a light,and a way to life are the reproofs that discipline,

24. Keeping you from another’s wife,from the smooth tongue of the foreign woman.

25. Do not lust in your heart after her beauty,do not let her captivate you with her glance!

26. For the price of a harlotmay be scarcely a loaf of bread,But a married womanis a trap for your precious life.

27. Can a man take embers into his bosom,and his garments not be burned?

28. Or can a man walk on live coals,and his feet not be scorched?