New American Bible, Revised Edition

Proverbs 28:11-27 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

11. The rich are wise in their own eyes,but the poor who are intelligent see through them.

12. When the just triumph, there is great glory;but when the wicked prevail, people hide.

13. Those who conceal their sins do not prosper,but those who confess and forsake them obtain mercy.

14. Happy those who always fear;but those who harden their hearts fall into evil.

15. A roaring lion or a ravenous bearis a wicked ruler over a poor people.

16. The less prudent the rulers, the more oppressive their deeds.Those who hate ill-gotten gain prolong their days.

17. Though a person burdened with blood guilt is in flight even to the grave,let no one offer support.

18. Whoever walks blamelessly is safe,but one whose ways are crooked falls into a pit.

19. Those who cultivate their land will have plenty of food,but those who engage in idle pursuits will have plenty of want.

20. The trustworthy will be richly blessed;but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.

21. To show partiality is never good:for even a morsel of bread one may do wrong.

22. Misers hurry toward wealth,not knowing that want is coming toward them.

23. Whoever rebukes another wins more favorthan one who flatters with the tongue.

24. Whoever defrauds father or mother and says, “It is no sin,”is a partner to a brigand.

25. The greedy person stirs up strife,but the one who trusts in the Lord will prosper.

26. Those who trust in themselves are fools,but those who walk in wisdom are safe.

27. Those who give to the poor have no lack,but those who avert their eyes, many curses.