New American Bible, Revised Edition

Leviticus 9:1-14 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. On the eighth day Moses summoned Aaron and his sons, together with the elders of Israel,

2. and said to Aaron, “Take a calf of the herd for a purification offering and a ram for a burnt offering, both without blemish, and offer them before the Lord.

3. Tell the Israelites, too: Take a he-goat for a purification offering, a calf and a lamb, both unblemished yearlings, for a burnt offering,

4. and an ox and a ram for a communion sacrifice, to sacrifice before the Lord, along with a grain offering mixed with oil; for today the Lord will appear to you.”

5. So they brought what Moses had ordered before the tent of meeting. When the whole community had come forward and stood before the Lord,

6. Moses said, “This is what the Lord orders you to do, that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.

7. Approach the altar,” Moses then told Aaron, “and make your purification offering and your burnt offering in atonement for yourself and for your household; then make the offering of the people in atonement for them, as the Lord has commanded.”

8. Approaching the altar, Aaron first slaughtered the calf of the purification offering that was his own offering.

9. When his sons presented the blood to him, he dipped his finger in the blood and put it on the horns of the altar. The rest of the blood he poured out at the base of the altar.

10. He then burned on the altar the fat, the kidneys and the lobe of the liver from the purification offering, as the Lord had commanded Moses;

11. but the flesh and the hide he burned in the fire outside the camp.

12. Then Aaron slaughtered the burnt offering. When his sons brought him the blood, he splashed it on all sides of the altar.

13. They then brought him the pieces and the head of the burnt offering, and he burned them on the altar.

14. Having washed the inner organs and the shanks, he burned these also with the burnt offering on the altar.