New American Bible, Revised Edition

Joel 4:1-14 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. For see, in those days and at that time,when I restore the fortunesof Judah and Jerusalem,

2. I will gather all the nationsand bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.There I will enter into judgment with themon behalf of my people, my heritage, Israel;Because they scattered them among the nations,they divided up my land.

3. For my people they cast lots,trading a young boy for the price of a prostitute,exchanging a young girl for the wine they drank.

4. Moreover, what are you doing to me, Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are, I will very quickly turn your deeds back upon your own head.

5. You took my silver and my gold and brought my priceless treasures into your temples!

6. You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, taking them far from their own country!

7. Look! I am rousing them from the place to which you sold them, and I will turn your deeds back upon your own head.

8. I will sell your sons and daughters to the Judahites who will sell them to the Sabeans, a distant nation. The Lord has spoken!

9. Announce this to the nations:Proclaim a holy war!Alert the warriors!Let all the soldiersreport and march!

10. Beat your plowshares into swords,and your pruning knives into spears;let the weakling boast, “I am a warrior!”

11. Hurry and come, all you neighboring peoples,assemble there!Bring down, Lord, your warriors!

12. Let the nations rouse themselves and come upto the Valley of Jehoshaphat;For there I will sit in judgmentupon all the neighboring nations.

13. Wield the sickle,for the harvest is ripe;Come and tread,for the wine press is full;The vats overflow,for their crimes are numerous.

14. Crowds upon crowdsin the Valley of Decision;For near is the day of the Lordin the Valley of Decision.