New American Bible, Revised Edition

Isaiah 10:17-34 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

17. The Light of Israel will become a fire,the Holy One, a flame,That burns and consumes its briersand its thorns in a single day.

18. And the glory of its forests and orchardswill be consumed, soul and body,and it will be like a sick man who wastes away.

19. And the remnant of the trees in his forestwill be so few,that any child can record them.

20. On that dayThe remnant of Israel,the survivors of the house of Jacob,will no more lean upon the one who struck them;But they will lean upon the Lord,the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

21. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob,to the mighty God.

22. Though your people, O Israel,were like the sand of the sea,Only a remnant of them will return;their destruction is decreed,as overflowing justice demands.

23. For the Lord, the God of hosts, is about to carry out the destruction decreed in the midst of the whole land.

24. Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of hosts: My people, who dwell in Zion, do not fear the Assyrian, though he strikes you with a rod, and raises his staff against you as did the Egyptians.

25. For just a brief moment more, and my wrath shall be over, and my anger shall be set for their destruction.

26. Then the Lord of hosts will raise against them a scourge such as struck Midian at the rock of Oreb; and he will raise his staff over the sea as he did in Egypt.

27. On that day,His burden shall be taken from your shoulder,and his yoke shattered from your neck.He has come up from Rimmon,

28. he has reached Aiath, passed through Migron,at Michmash he has stored his supplies.

29. He has crossed the ravine,at Geba he has camped for the night.Ramah trembles,Gibeah of Saul has fled.

30. Cry and shriek, Bath-Gallim!Hearken, Laishah! Answer her, Anathoth!

31. Madmenah is in flight,the inhabitants of Gebim seek refuge.

32. Even today he will halt at Nob,he will shake his fist at the mount of daughter Zion,the hill of Jerusalem!

33. Now the Lord, the Lord of hosts,is about to lop off the boughs with terrible violence;The tall of stature shall be felled,and the lofty ones shall be brought low;

34. He shall hack down the forest thickets with an ax,and Lebanon in its splendor shall fall.