New American Bible, Revised Edition

Ezekiel 32:21-32 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

21. Out of Sheol the mighty warriorswill speak to him and his allies:Let them descend and lie down among the uncircumcised,those slain by the sword!

22. There is Assyria and all its company,around it are its graves,all of them slain, fallen by the sword.

23. The graves are setin the recesses of the pit;Its company is assembledaround its grave,All of them slain, fallen by the sword,those who spread terror in the land of the living.

24. There is Elam and all its hordearound its grave,All of them slain, fallen by the sword;they descended uncircumcisedinto the underworld,Those who spread their terrorin the land of the living.They bear their disgracewith those who go down into the pit.

25. Among the slain is set its bed,with all its horde around its grave;All of them uncircumcised,slain by the swordBecause of the terror they spreadin the land of the living.They bear their disgracewith those who go down into the pit.Among the slain it is set!

26. There is Meshech and Tubal and all the hordessurrounding it with their graves.All of them uncircumcised,slain by the swordBecause they spread their terrorin the land of the living.

27. They do not rest with the warriorswho fell in ancient times,who went down to Sheol fully armed.Their swords were placed under their headsand their shields laid over their bones;For there was terror of these warriorsin the land of the living.

28. But as for you, among the uncircumcisedyou will be broken and laid to restwith those slain by the sword.

29. There is Edom, all its kings and princes,who, despite their might,are put with those slain by the sword.They lie among the uncircumcised,with those who go down into the pit.

30. There are the generals of the northand all the SidoniansWho have gone down with the slain,because of the terror their might inspired.They lie uncircumcisedwith those slain by the sword,And bear their shame with thosewho have gone down into the pit.

31. When Pharaoh sees them,he will be consoled on behalf of all his hordes,slain by the sword—Pharaoh and all his army—oracle of the Lord God.

32. I spread terror of himin the land of the living;Now he is laid among the uncircumcised,with those slain by the sword—Pharaoh and all his horde—oracle of the Lord God.