New American Bible, Revised Edition

Ezekiel 23:39-48 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

39. On the very day they slaughtered their children for their idols, they entered my sanctuary to desecrate it. Thus they acted within my house!

40. Moreover, they sent for men who had to come from afar; when a messenger was sent to them, they came. On their account you bathed, painted your eyes, and put on jewelry.

41. You sat on a magnificent couch, set before it a table, on which to lay my incense and oil.

42. The cries of a mob! The shouts of men coming in from the wilderness! They put bracelets on the women’s arms and splendid crowns on their heads.

43. I said: “That worn-out one still has adulteries in her! Now they engage her as a prostitute and she…”

44. And indeed they did come in to her as men come in to a prostitute. Thus they came to Oholah and Oholibah, the depraved women.

45. The righteous shall certainly punish them with sentences given to adulterers and murderers, for they committed adultery, and blood is on their hands.

46. Indeed, thus says the Lord God: Raise up an army against them and hand them over to terror and plunder.

47. The army will stone them and hack them to pieces with their swords. They will kill their sons and daughters and set fire to their houses.

48. Thus I will put an end to depravity in the land, and all women will be warned not to imitate your depravity.