New American Bible, Revised Edition

Ben Sira 48:14-22 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

14. In life he performed wonders,and after death, marvelous deeds.

15. Despite all this the people did not repent,nor did they give up their sins,Until they were uprooted from their landand scattered all over the earth.But Judah remained, a tiny people,with its ruler from the house of David.

16. Some of them did what was right,but others were extremely sinful.

17. Hezekiah fortified his cityand had water brought into it;With bronze tools he cut through the rocksand dammed up a mountain site for water.

18. During his reign Sennacherib led an invasionand sent his adjutant;He shook his fist at Zionand blasphemed God in his pride.

19. The people’s hearts melted within them,and they were in anguish like that of childbirth.

20. But they called upon the Most High Godand lifted up their hands to him;He heard the prayer they uttered,and saved them through Isaiah.

21. God struck the camp of the Assyriansand routed them with a plague.

22. For Hezekiah did what was rightand held fast to the paths of David,As ordered by the illustrious prophetIsaiah, who saw truth in visions.