Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 80:9-14 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

9. Before it thou a room didst make,where it might grow and stand;Thou causedst it deep root to take,and it did fill the land.

10. The mountains vail'd were with its shade,as with a covering;Like goodly cedars were the boughswhich out from it did spring.

11. Upon the one hand to the seaher boughs she did out send;On th' other side unto the floodher branches did extend.

12. Why hast thou then thus broken down,and ta'en her hedge away?So that all passengers do pluck,and make of her a prey.

13. The boar who from the forest comesdoth waste it at his pleasure;The wild beast of the field alsodevours it out of measure.

14. O God of hosts, we thee beseech,return now unto thine;Look down from heav'n in love, behold,and visit this thy vine: