Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 78:41-46 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

41. Yea, turning back, they tempted God,and limits set uponHim, who in midst of Isr'el isthe only Holy One.

42. They did not call to mind his pow'r,nor yet the day when heDeliver'd them out of the handof their fierce enemy;

43. Nor how great signs in Egypt landhe openly had wrought;What miracles in Zoan's fieldhis hand to pass had brought.

44. How lakes and rivers ev'ry wherehe turned into blood;So that nor man nor beast could drinkof standing lake or flood.

45. He brought among them swarms of flies,which did them sore annoy;And divers kinds of filthy frogshe sent them to destroy.

46. He to the caterpillar gavethe fruits of all their soil;Their labours he deliver'd upunto the locusts' spoil.