Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 78:33-51 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

33. Wherefore their days in vanityhe did consume and waste;And by his wrath their wretched yearsaway in trouble past.

34. But when he slew them, then they didto seek him shew desire;Yea, they return'd, and after Godright early did enquire.

35. And that the Lord had been their Rock,they did remember then;Ev'n that the high almighty Godhad their Redeemer been.

36. Yet with their mouth they flatter'd him,and spake but feignedly;And they unto the God of truthwith their false tongues did lie.

37. For though their words were good, their heartwith him was not sincere;Unstedfast and perfidiousthey in his cov'nant were.

38. But, full of pity, he forgavetheir sin, them did not slay;Nor stirr'd up all his wrath, but ofthis anger turn'd away.

39. For that they were but fading fleshto mind he did recall;A wind that passeth soon away,and not returns at all.

40. How often did they him provokewithin the wilderness!And in the desert did him grievewith their rebelliousness!

41. Yea, turning back, they tempted God,and limits set uponHim, who in midst of Isr'el isthe only Holy One.

42. They did not call to mind his pow'r,nor yet the day when heDeliver'd them out of the handof their fierce enemy;

43. Nor how great signs in Egypt landhe openly had wrought;What miracles in Zoan's fieldhis hand to pass had brought.

44. How lakes and rivers ev'ry wherehe turned into blood;So that nor man nor beast could drinkof standing lake or flood.

45. He brought among them swarms of flies,which did them sore annoy;And divers kinds of filthy frogshe sent them to destroy.

46. He to the caterpillar gavethe fruits of all their soil;Their labours he deliver'd upunto the locusts' spoil.

47. Their vines with hail, their sycamoreshe with the frost did blast:

48. Their beasts to hail he gave; their flockshot thunderbolts did waste.

49. Fierce burning wrath he on them cast,and indignation strong,And troubles sore, by sending forthill angels them among.

50. He to his wrath made way; their soulfrom death he did not save;But over to the pestilencethe lives of them he gave.

51. In Egypt land the first-born allhe smote down ev'ry where;Among the tents of Ham, ev'n thesechief of their strength that were.