Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 77:5-12 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

5. The days of old to mind I call'd,and oft did think uponThe times and ages that are pastfull many years agone.

6. By night my song I call to mind,and commune with my heart;My sp'rit did carefully enquirehow I might ease my smart.

7. For ever will the Lord cast off,and gracious be no more?

8. For ever is his mercy gone?fails his word evermore?

9. Is't true that to be graciousthe Lord forgotten hath?And that his tender mercies hehath shut up in his wrath?

10. Then did I say, That surely thisis mine infirmity:I'll mind the years of the right handof him that is most High.

11. Yea, I remember will the worksperformed by the Lord:The wonders done of old by theeI surely will record.

12. I also will of all thy worksmy meditation make;And of thy doings to discoursegreat pleasure I will take.