Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 77:1-7 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. Unto the Lord I with my voice,I unto God did cry;Ev'n with my voice,and unto me his ear he did apply.

2. I in my trouble sought the Lord,my sore by night did run,And ceased not; my grieved souldid consolation shun.

3. I to remembrance God did call,yet trouble did remain;And overwhelm'd my spirit was,whilst I did sore complain.

4. Mine eyes, debarr'd from rest and sleep,thou makest still to wake;My trouble is so great that Iunable am to speak.

5. The days of old to mind I call'd,and oft did think uponThe times and ages that are pastfull many years agone.

6. By night my song I call to mind,and commune with my heart;My sp'rit did carefully enquirehow I might ease my smart.

7. For ever will the Lord cast off,and gracious be no more?