Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 73:18-26 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

18. Assuredly thou didst them seta slipp'ry place upon;Them suddenly thou castedst downinto destruction.

19. How in a moment suddenlyto ruin brought are they!With fearful terrors utterlythey are consum'd away.

20. Ev'n like unto a dream, when onefrom sleeping doth arise;So thou, O Lord, when thou awak'st,their image shalt despise.

21. Thus grieved was my heart in me,and me my reins opprest:

22. So rude was I, and ignorant,and in thy sight a beast.

23. Nevertheless continually,O Lord, I am with thee:Thou dost me hold by my right hand,and still upholdest me.

24. Thou, with thy counsel, while I live,wilt me conduct and guide;And to thy glory afterwardreceive me to abide.

25. Whom have I in the heavens highbut thee, O Lord, alone?And in the earth whom I desirebesides thee there is none.

26. My flesh and heart doth faint and fail,but God doth fail me never:For of my heart God is the strengthand portion for ever.