Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 72:1-7 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. O Lord, thy judgments give the king,his son thy righteousness.

2. With right he shall thy people judge,thy poor with uprightness.

3. The lofty mountains shall bring forthunto the people peace;Likewise the little hills the sameshall do by righteousness.

4. The people's poor ones he shall judge,the needy's children save;And those shall he in pieces breakwho them oppressed have.

5. They shall thee fear, while sun and moondo last, through ages all.

6. Like rain on mown grass he shall drop,or show'rs on earth that fall.

7. The just shall flourish in his days,and prosper in his reign:He shall, while doth the moon endure,abundant peace maintain.