Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 68:1-6 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. Let God arise, and scatterèdlet all his en'mies be;And let all those that do him hatebefore his presence flee.

2. As smoke is driv'n, so drive thou them;as fire melts wax away,Before God's face let wicked menso perish and decay.

3. But let the righteous be glad:let them before God's sightBe very joyful; yea, let themrejoice with all their might.

4. To God sing, to his name sing praise;extol him with your voice,That rides on heav'n, by his name Jah,before his face rejoice.

5. Because the Lord a father isunto the fatherless;God is the widow's judge, withinhis place of holiness.

6. God doth the solitary setin fam'lies: and from bandsThe chain'd doth free; but rebels doinhabit parched lands.