Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 58:3-8 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

3. The wicked men estranged are,ev'n from the very womb;They, speaking lies, do stray as soonas to the world they come.

4. Unto a serpent's poison liketheir poison doth appear;Yea, they are like the adder deaf,that closely stops her ear;

5. That so she may not hear the voiceof one that charm her would,No, not though he most cunning were,and charm most wisely could.

6. Their teeth, O God, within their mouthbreak thou in pieces small;The great teeth break thou out, O Lord,of these young lions all.

7. Let them like waters melt away,which downward still do flow:In pieces cut his arrows all,when he shall bend his bow.

8. Like to a snail that melts away,let each of them be gone;Like woman's birth untimely, thatthey never see the sun.