Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 55:18-23 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

18. He hath my soul delivered,that it in peace might beFrom battle that against me was;for many were with me.

19. The Lord shall hear, and them afflict,of old who hath abode:Because they never changes have,therefore they fear not God.

20. 'Gainst those that were at peace with himhe hath put forth his hand:The covenant that he had made,by breaking he profan'd.

21. More smooth than butter were his words,while in his heart was war;His speeches were more soft than oil,and yet drawn swords they are.

22. Cast thou thy burden on the Lord,and he shall thee sustain;Yea, he shall cause the righteous manunmoved to remain.

23. But thou, O Lord my God, those menin justice shalt o'erthrow,And in destruction's dungeon darkat last shalt lay them low:The bloody and deceitful menshall not live half their days:But upon thee with confidenceI will depend always.