Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 35:2-8 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

2. Of shield and buckler take thou hold,stand up mine help to be.

3. Draw also out the spear, and doagainst them stop the wayThat me pursue: unto my soul,I'm thy salvation, say.

4. Let them confounded be and sham'dthat for my soul have sought:Who plot my hurt turn'd back be they,and to confusion brought.

5. Let them be like unto the chaffthat flies before the wind;And let the angel of the Lordpursue them hard behind.

6. With darkness cover thou their way,and let it slipp'ry prove;And let the angel of the Lordpursue them from above.

7. For without cause have they for metheir net hid in a pit,They also have without a causefor my soul digged it.

8. Let ruin seize him unawares;his net he hid withalHimself let catch; and in the samedestruction let him fall.