Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 31:18-23 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

18. To silence put the lying lips,that grievous things do say,And hard reports, in pride and scorn,on righteous men do lay.

19. How great's the goodness thou for themthat fear thee keep'st in store,And wrought'st for them that trust in theethe sons of men before!

20. In secret of thy presence thoushalt hide them from man's pride:From strife of tongues thou closely shalt,as in a tent, them hide.

21. All praise and thanks be to the Lord;for he hath magnify'dHis wondrous love to me withina city fortify'd.

22. For from thine eyes cut off I am,I in my haste had said;My voice yet heard'st thou, when to theewith cries my moan I made.

23. O love the Lord, all ye his saints;because the Lord doth guardThe faithful, and he plenteouslyproud doers doth reward.