Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 31:1-12 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,sham'd let me never be;According to thy righteousnessdo thou deliver me.

2. Bow down thine ear to me, with speedsend me deliverance:To save me, my strong rock be thou,and my house of defence.

3. Because thou art my rock, and theeI for my fortress take;Therefore do thou me lead and guide,ev'n for thine own name's sake.

4. And sith thou art my strength, thereforepull me out of the net,Which they in subtilty for meso privily have set.

5. Into thine hands I do commitmy sp'rit: for thou art he,O thou, JEHOVAH, God of truth,that hast redeemed me.

6. Those that do lying vanitiesregard, I have abhorr'd:But as for me, my confidenceis fixed on the Lord.

7. I'll in thy mercy gladly joy:for thou my miseriesConsider'd hast; thou hast my soulknown in adversities:

8. And thou hast not inclosed mewithin the en'my's hand;And by thee have my feet been madein a large room to stand.

9. O Lord, upon me mercy have,for trouble is on me:Mine eye, my belly, and my soul,with grief consumed be.

10. Because my life with grief is spent,my years with sighs and groans:My strength doth fail; and for my sinconsumed are my bones.

11. I was a scorn to all my foes,and to my friends a fear;And specially reproach'd of thosethat were my neighbours near:When they me saw they from me fled.

12. Ev'n so I am forgot,As men are out of mind when dead:I'm like a broken pot.