Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 139:10-14 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

10. Ev'n there, Lord, shall thy hand me lead,thy right hand hold shall me.

11. If I do say that darkness shallme cover from thy sight,Then surely shall the very nightabout me be as light.

12. Yea, darkness hideth not from thee,but night doth shine as day:To thee the darkness and the lightare both alike alway.

13. For thou possessed hast my reins,and thou hast cover'd me,When I within my mother's wombinclosed was by thee.

14. Thee will I praise; for fearfullyand strangely made I am;Thy works are marv'llous, and right wellmy soul doth know the same.