Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 136:7-17 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

7. To him that made the great lights shine:for mercy hath he ever.

8. The sun to rule till day decline:for his grace faileth never.

9. The moon and stars to rule by night:for mercy hath he ever.

10. Who Egypt's first-born kill'd outright:for his grace faileth never.

11. And Isr'el brought from Egypt land:for mercy hath he ever.

12. With stretch'd-out arm, and with strong hand:for his grace faileth never.

13. By whom the Red sea parted was:for mercy hath he ever.

14. And through its midst made Isr'el pass:for his grace faileth never.

15. But Phar'oh and his host did drown:for mercy hath he ever.

16. Who through the desert led his own:for his grace faileth never.

17. To him great kings who overthrew:for he hath mercy ever.