Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 119:97-109 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

97. O how love I thy law! it ismy study all the day:

98. It makes me wiser than my foes;for it doth with me stay.

99. Than all my teachers now I havemore understanding far;Because my meditationthy testimonies are.

100. In understanding I excelthose that are ancients;For I endeavoured to keepall thy commandements.

101. My feet from each ill way I stay'd,that I may keep thy word.

102. I from thy judgments have not swerv'd;for thou hast taught me, Lord.

103. How sweet unto my taste, O Lord,are all thy words of truth!Yea, I do find them sweeter farthan honey to my mouth.

104. I through thy precepts, that are pure,do understanding get;I therefore ev'ry way that's falsewith all my heart do hate.

105. Thy word is to my feet a lamp,and to my path a light.

106. I sworn have, and I will perform,to keep thy judgments right.

107. I am with sore afflictionev'n overwhelm'd, O Lord:In mercy raise and quicken me,according to thy word.

108. The free-will-off 'rings of my mouthaccept, I thee beseech:And unto me thy servant, Lord,thy judgments clearly teach.

109. Though still my soul be in my hand,thy laws I'll not forget.