Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 119:6-11 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

6. Then shall I not be sham'd, when Ithy precepts all respect.

7. Then with integrity of heartthee will I praise and bless,When I the judgments all have learn'dof thy pure righteousness.

8. That I will keep thy statutes allfirmly resolv'd have I:O do not then, most gracious God,forsake me utterly.

9. By what means shall a young man learnhis way to purify?If he according to thy wordthereto attentive be.

10. Unfeignedly thee have I soughtwith all my soul and heart:O let me not from the right pathof thy commands depart.

11. Thy word I in my heart have hid,that I offend not thee.