Metrical Psalms 1650

Psalms 119:1-11 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. Blessed are they that undefil'd,and straight are in the way;Who in the Lord's most holy law do walk,and do not stray.

2. Blessed are they who to observehis statutes are inclin'd;And who do seek the living Godwith their whole heart and mind.

3. Such in his ways do walk,and they do no iniquity.

4. Thou hast commanded us to keepthy precepts carefully.

5. O that thy statutes to observethou would'st my ways direct!

6. Then shall I not be sham'd, when Ithy precepts all respect.

7. Then with integrity of heartthee will I praise and bless,When I the judgments all have learn'dof thy pure righteousness.

8. That I will keep thy statutes allfirmly resolv'd have I:O do not then, most gracious God,forsake me utterly.

9. By what means shall a young man learnhis way to purify?If he according to thy wordthereto attentive be.

10. Unfeignedly thee have I soughtwith all my soul and heart:O let me not from the right pathof thy commands depart.

11. Thy word I in my heart have hid,that I offend not thee.