Lexham English Bible

Zechariah 1:16-21 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

16. Therefore, thus says Yahweh: “I have returned to Jerusalem with compassion. My temple will be built in it,” declares Yahweh of hosts, “and a measuring line will be stretched out over Jerusalem.” ’

17. Proclaim again, saying, ‘Thus says Yahweh of hosts: “My cities shall again overflow from prosperity, and Yahweh will comfort Zion again, and he will choose Jerusalem again.” ’ ”

18. And I looked up and I saw, and look, there were four horns!

19. And I said to the angel who was talking with me, “What are these?” And he said to me, “These are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.”

20. Then Yahweh showed me four skilled craftsmen,

21. and I asked, “What are these coming to do?” And he answered, saying, “These are the horns that scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up his head; but these have come to frighten them, to strike down the horns of the nations that lifted a horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.”