Lexham English Bible

Psalms 7:9-17 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

9. Let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous, and test the hearts and innermost being, O righteous God.

10. My shield is with God who saves the upright of heart.

11. God is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation every day.

12. If he does not repent, he will sharpen his sword. He has bent his bow and he has strung it.

13. And he has prepared for him weapons of death. He has made his arrows fiery shafts.

14. See, he travails with evil. He is pregnant with trouble, and he gives birth to deception.

15. He makes a pit and digs it out, then falls in the trap he has made.

16. His trouble comes back on his head, and his violence comes down on his skull.

17. I will thank Yahweh according to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of Yahweh, the Most High.