Lexham English Bible

Psalms 119:161-173 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

161. Princes persecute me without cause, but my heart trembles because of your word.

162. I am rejoicing over your word, like one who finds great spoil.

163. I hate and abhor falsehood; I love your law.

164. I praise you seven times in the day for your righteous ordinances.

165. Great peace is for those who love your law, and they do not have a cause for stumbling.

166. I hope for your salvation, O Yahweh, and do your commands.

167. My soul heeds your testimonies, and I love them exceedingly.

168. I heed your precepts and testimonies, because all my ways are before you.

169. Let my cry come before you, O Yahweh; give me understanding according to your word.

170. Let my plea come before you; Deliver me according to your word.

171. Let my lips pour out praise, because you teach me your statutes.

172. Let my tongue sing of your word, because all your commands are right.

173. Let your hand be my help, because I have chosen your precepts.