Lexham English Bible

Numbers 4:22-29 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

22. “Take a census of the descendants of Gershon also, according to their families and clans,

23. from those twenty years old and above until fifty years old; you will muster them, all who come to help to do the work of the tent of assembly.

24. This is the work of the clans of the Gershonites: to serve and to carry.

25. They will carry the curtains of the tabernacle and the tent of assembly and its covering and the covering of fine leather, which is on top of it, and the curtain of the doorway of the tent of assembly,

26. and the curtains of the courtyard, and the covering for the doorway of the gate of the courtyard, which is all around on the tabernacle and altar, and their cords and all the vessels of their work; and all that is done to them they will do.

27. And all the work of the descendants of the Gershonites will be at the command of Aaron and his sons, for all they are to carry and for all their work, and you will appoint to them responsibility for all they are to carry.

28. This is the work of the clan of the descendants of the Gershonites in the tent of assembly, and their responsibility lies under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.

29. “For the descendants of Merari according to their clans, according to their families, you will muster them;