Lexham English Bible

Numbers 16:30-45 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

30. But if Yahweh creates something new, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up and all that belongs to them, and they go down alive to Sheol, and you will know that these men have despised Yahweh.”

31. And it happened, as soon as he finished speaking all these words, the ground that was under them split open.

32. The land opened its mouth and swallowed them up with their houses and every person that belonged to Korah and all the property.

33. They went down alive to Sheol, they and all that belonged to them, and the land covered over them, and they perished from the midst of the assembly.

34. All Israel who were around them fled at their cry, because they said, “Lest the land swallow us up!”

35. And fire went out from Yahweh, and it consumed the two hundred and fifty men presenting the incense.

36. And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

37. “Say to Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, ‘Take out the censers from among the place of burning because they are sacred, and scatter the fire outside.

38. The censers of these who have sinned at the cost of their lives, let them be made into gilded leafing plating for the altar; because they presented them before Yahweh, they are holy; and they will be a sign for the Israelites.’ ”

39. Eleazar the priest took the bronze censers that the ones who were burned presented, and they hammered them out thinly as plating for the altar;

40. it was a memorial for the Israelites, so that no strange man who is not from the offspring of Aaron should approach the presence of Yahweh to burn a smoke offering; he will not be like Korah and his company, just as Yahweh had spoken to him by the hand of Moses.

41. The next day all the community of the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying, “You have killed the people of Yahweh!”

42. Then, when the community had gathered against Moses and Aaron, they turned to the tent of assembly, and behold, the cloud covered it, and the glory of Yahweh appeared.

43. And Moses and Aaron came to the front of the tent of assembly,

44. and Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

45. “Get away from the midst of this community, and I will finish them in an instant,” but they fell on their faces.