Lexham English Bible

Leviticus 24:19-23 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

19. And when a man causes a physical defect in his fellow citizen according to what he has done, so it shall be done to him:

20. fracture in place of fracture, eye in place of eye, tooth in place of tooth—according to the physical defect he causes to the person, likewise it shall be caused to him.

21. And a killer of a domestic animal must repay for it, and a killer of a human shall be put to death.

22. You must have one norm; as for the alien, so it must be for the native, because I am Yahweh your God.’ ”

23. Thus Moses spoke to the Israelites, and they brought the curser outside the camp, and they stoned him with stones, and the Israelites did just as Yahweh had commanded Moses.