Lexham English Bible

John 6:18-23 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

18. And the sea began to be stirred up because a strong wind was blowing.

19. Then when they had rowed about twenty-five or thirty stadia, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were afraid.

20. But he said to them, “It is I! Do not be afraid!”

21. So they were wanting to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat came to the land to which they were going.

22. On the next day, the crowd that was on the other side of the sea saw that other boats were not there (except one), and that Jesus had not entered with his disciples into the boat, but his disciples had departed alone.

23. Other boats from Tiberias came near the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.