Lexham English Bible

Job 39:8-19 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

8. It explores the mountains as its pasture and searches after every kind of green plant.

9. “Is the wild ox willing to serve you, or will he spend the night at your feeding trough?

10. Can you tie the wild ox with its rope to a furrow, or will it harrow the valleys after you?

11. Can you trust it because its strength is great, or will you hand your labor over to it?

12. Can you rely on it that it will return your grain and that it will gather it to your threshing floor?

13. “The wings of the female ostrich flap— are they the pinions of the stork or the falcon?

14. Indeed, it leaves its eggs to the earth, and it lets them be warmed on the ground,

15. and it forgets that a foot might crush an egg, and a wild animal might trample it.

16. It deals cruelly with its young ones, as if they were not its own, as if without fear that its labor were in vain,

17. because God made it forget wisdom, and he did not give it a share in understanding.

18. When it spreads its wings aloft, it laughs at the horse and its rider.

19. “Do you give power to the horse? Do you clothe its neck with a mane?