Lexham English Bible

Job 37:7-16 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

7. he stops all human beings from working so that everyone whom he has made may know it.

8. Then the animal goes into its den, and it remains in its den.

9. “The storm wind comes from its chamber and cold from the north wind.

10. By God’s breath, ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen.

11. Also, he loads down thick clouds with moisture; his lightning scatters the clouds.

12. And they turn around by his guidance to accomplish all that he has commanded them on the face of the habitable world.

13. Whether as correction or for his land, or as loyal love, he lets it happen.

14. “Hear this, Job; stand still and consider carefully God’s wondrous works.

15. Do you know how God commands them and how he causes his cloud’s lightning to shine?

16. Do you know about the hovering of the clouds, the marvelous works of the one with perfect knowledge?