Lexham English Bible

Job 34:8-19 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

8. And he goes on the road in company with instigators of mischief, and walks with men of wickedness.

9. Indeed, he says, ‘A man does not profit when he takes delight in God.’

10. “Therefore, listen to me, people who have sense: far be it from God that he should commit wickedness and that Shaddai should do wrong.

11. Indeed, he will repay according to a human being’s deeds, and according to a man’s way he will let it happen to him.

12. What’s more, God truly does not act wickedly, and Shaddai does not pervert justice.

13. Who gave him charge over the earth? Or who laid on him the whole world?

14. If he should set his heart to it, and he should gather his spirit and his breath to himself,

15. all flesh would perish together, and humankind would return to dust.

16. “But if you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.

17. Shall he who hates justice really govern? Or will you declare the Righteous One, the Mighty, guilty?—

18. the one who says to a king, ‘You worthless man,’ to noblemen, ‘You wicked man,’

19. who shows no partiality to officials and who does not take note of the noble more than of the insignificant, for all of them are the work of his hands?