Lexham English Bible

Job 30:23-31 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

23. Indeed, I know that you will bring me to death and to the house of assembly for all the living.

24. “Surely someone must not send a hand against the needy when, in his misfortune, there is a cry of help for them.

25. Have I not wept for the unfortunate, and grieved myself over the poor?

26. Indeed, I hoped for good, but evil came, and I waited for light, but darkness came.

27. My bowels are in turmoil, and they are not still; days of misery come to confront me.

28. I go about in mourning garb, but not in sunlight; I stand up in the assembly, and I cry for help.

29. I am a companion for the jackals and a companion for ostriches.

30. My skin turns black on me, and my bones burn with heat.

31. So my lyre came to be used for mourning, and my flute for the voice of those who weep.