Lexham English Bible

Job 30:14-26 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

14. As through a wide breach they come; amid a crash they rush on.

15. Terrors are turned upon me; my honor is pursued as by the wind, and my hope of deliverance passed by like a cloud.

16. “And now my life is poured out onto me; days of misery have taken hold of me.

17. At night I am in great pain; my pains do not take a rest.

18. He seizes my clothing with great power; he grasps me by my tunic’s collar.

19. He has cast me into the dirt, and I have become like dust and ashes.

20. I cry to you for help, but you do not answer me; I stand, and you merely look at me.

21. You have turned cruel to me; you persecute me with your hand’s might.

22. You lift me up to the wind—you make me ride it, and you toss me about in the storm.

23. Indeed, I know that you will bring me to death and to the house of assembly for all the living.

24. “Surely someone must not send a hand against the needy when, in his misfortune, there is a cry of help for them.

25. Have I not wept for the unfortunate, and grieved myself over the poor?

26. Indeed, I hoped for good, but evil came, and I waited for light, but darkness came.