Lexham English Bible

Job 22:10-17 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

10. Therefore trapping nets are all around you, and panic suddenly terrifies you,

11. or it is so dark you cannot see, and a flood of water covers you.

12. “Is not God in the height of the heavens? But see how lofty are the highest stars.

13. And you ask, ‘What does God know? Can he judge through deep gloom?

14. Thick clouds are a covering for him, so that he does not see; and he walks about on the dome of heaven.’

15. Will you keep to the way of old that the people of mischief have trod,

16. who were snatched away before their time, whose foundation was washed away by a current?

17. Those who said to God, ‘Turn away from us,’ and ‘What can Shaddai do to us?’